What to do on Valentine’s Day if You Are Alone

Marky Mark
Published in
7 min readFeb 9, 2024


No need to feel alone on Valentine’s Day! Start feeling great again today!
No need to feel alone on Valentine’s Day! Start feeling great again today!

Feeling alone this Valentine’s Day? Don’t despair! Although many people focus on romantic love with a partner on this day, it’s also an opportunity to celebrate self-love and appreciation of yourself. This day definitely does not mean you have to feel lonely at all. On the contrary, you can make this a day to look back on as one of the best days you’ve ever had!

There is so much you can do, you will hardly realize the whole day has gone by. Indeed, Valentine’s Day is definitely not a time to feel sad or lonely. It’s a brand new start to something new and exciting!

Here are some activities you can start on Valentine’s Day that will make you feel energized and special for the rest of the year!

Start the Day Feeling Fresh and Embrace Self-Care

Self-care is essential to good physical and mental health

We highly recommend self-care and self-pleasure first thing in the morning. A lot of people set aside time in the evening for this, but there’s no law against feeling great to start your day! Take a soothing bath or shower with your favorite energizing scents, like peppermint, eucalyptus, or a nice citrus body wash (or sandalwood if that’s your thing). Have some essential oils? Dab a bit on your pulse points, like the wrists or around the neck. Smelling good all day helps you feel good!

And don’t forget to start your masturbation routine early. Start feeling the stress melt away before it even builds up. Masturbation gives you a dose of endorphins and serotonins so you can keep your spirits high and your mental and physical health in great shape! Of course, we recommend TENGA and iroha products that can really stimulate and get you in the right state of mind! And you could try something disposable for the morning so that you don’t have to deal with cleanup.

A wide variety of TENGA EGGs to choose from

Buy Yourself A Gift

Today, you are the honored guest! Give yourself a treat. Could be a new sex toy, could be a new jacket, maybe some wild and playful underwear.

V-Day is all about you! Do things that you love doing

Splurge on yourself because this is a day for you to have fun and enjoy!

Enjoy Watching A Movie

There has to be a movie you’ve wanted to see, but just haven’t had the opportunity to watch yet. Well, today is your chance!

Take in a movie you’ve been wanting to see

Just steer clear of the romantic ones, maybe not today. How about a comedy, or an action flick?

Clear Out the Clutter (and the Emotional Baggage)

Clear the clutter from your closets and from your mind

Let’s face it. There isn’t anyone out there that isn’t carrying around a little emotional baggage. It could be hurt from a past relationship, or emotional trauma from being humiliated, or being negatively stereotyped that has somehow stuck on you and has affected your life. If this is you, it’s time to shed that unwanted baggage and finally start to feel free!

When we talk about clearing the clutter, it can mean physical objects that remind you of some bad experience, or it can also be routines, or even a mindset that has been keeping you from becoming the person you want to be. So go ahead and dump those old love letters from your ex! You might want to assume that they’ve moved on and probably are not coming back. If you keep clinging on to the past, how are you ever going to make room for the bigger and better things that are in store for you in the future?

Old love letters from an ex can mean you can’t move on. Time for some spring cleaning!

Some of the best things to do to help with “clearing out the clutter” is dumping objects that you have some negative thoughts attached to. Are there old pictures of an ex you haven’t gotten rid of that make you feel sad? Did you have some kind of morning routine you used to do with your ex that you still do? Either say goodbye to these objects that are limiting your life, or if you can’t throw them away, for today, just put them all in one box, tape it up and put it way back in the closet where you won’t see it. At least it’s a start. Consider yourself free from being “handcuffed” by these emotional bonds.

Delight Your Taste Buds

Eat, enjoy, and just have a good time!

Try out a few local restaurants you’ve been wanting to eat at (takeout is okay) so you will know where all the good places are to take your date next year on Valentine’s Day!

Indulge in Sweets

Dive into the chocolate!

If you like chocolates, this is your day to binge! Go on, you deserve it. And again, how are you going to know which are the good chocolates to give next year if you don’t try them, right? But if you don’t like sweets, there’s plenty of other foods to delight your senses. Go out, explore new neighborhoods and try new things! Your taste buds will love you for it.

Feel Pleasure, Part 2

TENGA’s Puffy lineup has become a popular item in many countries

Who says it has to end with one morning session? Take the opportunity to fill yourself up again with good hormones. Gain a better sense of what you enjoy and where you like being touched.

And, lest we forget, masturbation can also help with improving sexual performance and stamina when with a partner.

Work on Yourself

Working on your body and mind is always good thing!

There’s no better gift to give someone else than being a well-balanced partner. Not only does looking good and feeling good make you attractive, but it can also round out the whole package you present, with thoughtfulness and a great sense of confidence in yourself.

Come next year, you could be fending off potential suitors left and right. Remember, self-improvement is a journey, and investing in yourself pays dividends in all areas of your life. Here are a few activities to help you on your path to working on yourself.

Meditation can give you that birdseye view of things in your life

Meditation — Sometimes clearing your mind of all the chatter surrounding you allows you to see the big picture again and gives you the insight to plan out your life’s dreams and goals. Try out a few minutes of meditation and set a time every day for more sessions if it feels right for you. Hint: shut off your smartphone while you are doing this.

Workouts — Objects tend to get stuck when not in motion, like rust on a car. Your body is the same. Moving can help reduce fatigue and make you generally feel better. If you’ve got a pet, they might be itching to take you for a good walk (that’s a free personal trainer who will never cancel on you)!

Man’s best friend can also be your best coach

Read a good book — if they still exist in your neighborhood, why not visit the local bookstore? A good book will help you unplug from all the electronic stimuli that might be clogging up your capacity to think for yourself.

Books were meant to be read! Go grab one

If you’re worried about sustainability or recycling after you’ve read your book, share it with someone, or donate it. You just might be sending some valuable information on its way to the next future Nobel Peace Prize winner, or the next leader of the free world. You never know what kind of butterfly effect your actions will have on someone else.

Got Pets? Learn About Unconditional Love

The wisdom of our furry friends is something we need to cherish

Think of your pet as like a spiritual master. Sometimes you disappoint them. You come home late from work. Maybe their pet bowl is not always filled on time. Sometimes you forget to play with them or take them for a walk. And yet, they still love you!

If you have pets, they are the embodiment of unconditional love. We can learn so much from our furry friends! Why not give them a Valentine’s Day treat? Take them to the pet store, get them a haircut and shampoo, and then go get them that squeaky toy you know they’ll enjoy. No doubt they will return the love ten times over!

No, you are not worthy of them, no human is. But they’ll take you anyway. And love you like crazy!


With the creation of the new “you”, you may not be alone next V-Day!

Valentine’s Day does not have to be the saddest day of the year. You can turn things around and make it the best day ever. It’s your time and your choice to use this time in a way that can make you feel better and help create a better and brighter Valentine’s Day next year!

Now is the perfect time to invest in yourself. Come visit our TENGA STORE USA or TENGA STORE EUROPE and find a wide selection of self-pleasure items for any time, any occasion. Or if you are in other parts of the world, find your store in our Store Locator. Start feeling the benefits of self-care!




The most important thing is to keep the most important thing THE most important thing.